
It is looking more and more likely that we are going to have too much cloud cover to get a solid shot of the eclipse but that is not going to stop us from driving out to BFE Texas and having some wine.

In the event the sky parts to allow for viewing I am going to be shooting with a ZF and this absolutely cheap as f*¢# lens: TTArtisans 500mm.

I took a few test shots including this on:

Near as I can tell it’ll get the job done and after that if I can’t find use for a MF 500mm lens I’ll MPB it and consider the loss a rental fee.

Fingers crossed.

Some employees within Apple are said to have suspected that the endeavor was likely to fail from the beginning, and they referred to the car as “the Titanic disaster” instead of its “Project Titan” codename.

Obviously hard for them to have known but Project Titan was always a good name for something that was going to implode.

“There is an old song which asserts that ‘the best things in life are free.’ Not true! Utterly false! This was the tragic fallacy which brought on the decadence and collapse of the democracies of the twentieth century; those noble experiments failed because the people had been led to believe that they could simply vote for whatever they wanted . . . and get it, without toil, without sweat, without tears.”

-Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers

Forever great.

Not sure if you can tell by looking, but it was cold.